9701 Apollo Drive, Suite 391

Largo MD 20774


Main Office

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday - Friday


Spousal Support

Tomlin Law Offices

Spousal support is the right of one spouse to receive an award of money from the other, on a temporary or permanent basis, whenever a court determines that the facts of the case warrant it.

In Maryland, the statutes and courts refer to such spousal support as alimony. No one is entitled to alimony by virtue of marriage alone. The court may grant alimony to either spouse from the income or estate of the other, either as periodic payments or lump sum awards. It may end at the death or remarriage of the recipient, or sooner based on the specific terms of the Final Decree or Judgment. Alimony may also be awarded on a temporary basis during the pendency of the divorce action.


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